The great boxer, Muhammad Ali, had a good handle on the impossible. He fought his way through his impossibilites and became the heavyweight champion of the world.
For him, impossiblity was a dare. It was a challenge that he faced, dominated, and defeated. Muhammad Ali understood impossibility better than most, and he defined it in a way that anyone can understand.
“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”
It turns out the impossible is not always impossible.
Impossible dares you to live your dreams.
It's a test of whether you are willing to do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true.
Everything in your life fits into two columns.
One column is labeled possible, and the other is labeled impossible.
Your job is to move everything over to the possible column.
With God, all things are possible. Impossible doesn't exist in God's universe, and it shouldn't exist in yours.
Impossible is not in God's vocabulary, and it shouldn't be in yours.
Jesus did not believe in impossible and neither should you.
On more than one occasion, Jesus said, "All things are possible", and "nothing is impossible." Jesus said it both ways to make it clear that everything is possible when you believe.
Jesus meant it when he said that all things are possible. He wasn't trying to frustrate you by encouraging you to pursue impossible dreams. He was telling you to get in agreement with God so that all things are possible in your life.
Everything is possible isn't a pipedream. It's the way God made things work. As you believe, so shall it be done unto you.
It is time to take the impossible dare and do those things you used to think were impossible.
For my entire life, I have been moving things from the impossible column over to the possible one.
Half way through university, I looked impossibility in the eye and changed my major to premed. I navigated the seas of impossibility for two years before I was accepted into medical school, and I moved medical school into the possibility column.
For four years of hard study, I climbed what seemed like an impossible mountain of anatomy, physiology, and clinical medicine until I became a doctor.
For four more years, I ascended a mountain of ophthalmic knowledge to become a board certified eye surgeon with a sub-specialty in retina and vitreous surgery.
When I was run over by the Mac Truck of Life and nearly died in a car accident, I spent months slogging though the Dismal Swamp of Discouragement, but I never stopped looking impossiblity in the eye, and I never surrendered to despair.
When I decided to sail around the world on my catamaran with my family, I sailed on the Seas of Impossibility for eleven years until the circumnavigation was complete.
For ten years I took the impossible dare as I wrote books on positive thinking and positive spirituality.
For the rest of my life, my Impossible Dare is to make the Positive Thinking Network the home of positive thinking on the world wide web. It's the premier place where people come from all nations to learn about positive thinking.
The Positive Thinking Network shows them how to have a positive mind and a positive life. They learn how to conquer depression and how to install a Positive Operating System. People master "Maximum Strength Positive Thinking", and they fill their minds with Positive Power Graphics. They listen to Positive Podcasts that change the way they think and feel. The Positive Thinking Network continues to look impossiblity in the eye as it changes the world one person at a time.
I am well acquainted with impossibility. It has been my constant companion for more than six decades.
Here are a few highlights of things I have moved from the impossible column over to the possible one.
How about a sailing trip around the world?
How about sailing through Pirate Alley between Yemen and Somalia and up the Red Sea?
How about a driving trip around the world in Land Rover Defenders?
How about sailing in and surviving a global tsunami?
How about writing a book of positive self-talk that is changing peoples lives?
How about creating 200 free Positive Podcasts?
How about creating a Positive Thinking University?
How about creating a social network that links positive thinkers around the world?
How about giving swimming lessons in God's Ocean of Love?
How about teaching people to say good-bye to depression and hello to a positive mind?
The impossible dare is all about living your dreams.
It's time to take the impossible dare.
Your life will never be the same.
Captain Ardell Lien is one of my heroes. At age 71, he completed a singlehanded circumnavigation in a 27 foot sailboat after undergoing a double organ transplant. He had a combined kidney and heart transplant, and after he recovered, he set sail on a Nor’sea 27 sailboat on a circumnavigation.
Jon Sanders did eleven solo circumnavigations completing his last circumnavigation at age 81. On his last sailing voyage, he collected water samples to detect microplastics in all of the southern oceans.
Marvin Creamer was 66 years old when he set out in his steel hulled 36 foot boat to perform a circumnavigation without using navigational instruments. He is proof that a GPS does not make you a navigator any more than a boat makes you a sailor.
Jeanne Socrates started serious ocean sailing at age 48, and at age 77, she completed a solo non-stop circumnavigation spending 339 days at sea. She sailed in a 39 foot sailboat south of all the great southern capes.
Craig Wood lost two legs and one arm to an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan. Being a triple amputee has not stopped him from living his sailing dreams. He is cruising around the world on his 41 foot aluminum catamaran with his wife and two children, and he is preparing for a singlehanded transpacific adventure that will take two to three months to sail from Mexico to Japan.
Positive Thinking University has something for everyone. If you are interested in adventure, you can visit Sailing Uni and Overland Uni. If you want to win the battle against depression, then Depression Uni is for you. Self Talk Uni gets you started on a program of positive self-talk to change what you say when you talk to your mind. If you want to explore the world of self help, Self Help Uni is a good start. If your interest is positive spirituality, visit Positive Christian Uni.
Dr. Dave reveals the secrets that made it possible to live his dreams. Discover what worked for him and apply the same principles in your own life. This is your opportunity to unleash the power that lies within.
It's easy and convenient to carry your positive thinking library with you wherever you go. Your entire positive library resides comfortably in your pocket on your smartphone. Visit the Positive Thinking Bookstore and start filling your mind with positive ebooks today.
Join Team Maxing Out as they sail around the world on their Privilege 39 catamaran. Experience their adventures as they sail through Pirate Alley and up the Red Sea. Find out what it's like to experience a global tsunami in Thailand. Discover what it's like to sail on the ocean of your dreams.
No matter how hard you work and how much you hope, it's what you expect that counts. The Law of Expectations will make or break your life. When I know your expectations, I can predict your future. That's why positive expectations are so important. They are a form of predestination.
If you don't have a space shuttle, if you can't afford a yacht, if you don't like to fly, you can still make a trip around the world. You simply climb into your truck, start driving, and don't stop until you complete the trip. You'll need a couple of years and some Freedom Chips to finance the adventure, but you can make it happen. Travel with us around planet earth on Overland UNI, and before long you might decide to make your own trip.
Positive Buzz has an awesome selection of images worth putting into your mind and Positive Thinking Wallpaper is a great place to start. Find out whether you are a member of the Life Long Disoriented.
The Positive WWW reaches its arms around the globe with a positive website for every country in the world. Click on a destination and start your positive adventure.
Positive US has one positive website for every state in the United States. Enjoy your voyage of discovery on your journey to a positive mind.
Captain Dave and Team Maxing Out have launched the sailing dreams of hundreds of individuals with videos of their adventures on board their catamaran Exit Only. It's time for you to dream BIG and have some adventures of your own.
Social media is more of a jungle than a finely manicured garden. It's a rough and tumble experience with lots of chaff and little wheat.Too much of it is a Twilight Zone run by people with their own agenda, and most of time their agenda is at odds with your own. If you don't periodically curate your feeds, you drown in a sea of trivialities, opinions, and toxic waste. No Unsocial Media is different because it makes it easy to find the good stuff and avoid the bad. It has dozens of links that quickly and easily help you discover positive content.